Mastering Fear Reiki Attunement


  • Founder: Daelyn Wolf
  • Year of channeling: 2014
  • Manual: 6 pages
  • Symbols: 1
  • Prerequisite: None
  • Can you attune others? Yes
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This attunement connects to your higher self and Spirit bringing forth the light within to overcome and master your fears. When you feel fear, you are immobilized energetically. Fear makes you and your energies freeze and stops you from accomplishing your goals or seeking happiness. To master your fear, you must first acknowledge it and then release it. Use the system for 7 days and repeat if you feel the fear coming back or it’s not gone yet.

What is an attunement?

An attunement is the process by which a person receives the ability to work with energies. After the attunement you will be able to treat yourself and others whenever you wish with the energies received. You can also attune others, if included in the manual.

Full instructions are included in the manual included with your order. Please check the prerequisite for each attunement and only buy if you meet the requirements. All manuals are in English.

All our attunements are distant attunements, meaning that you will be able to call in the energies any time after the energies have been set up into an etheric orb. You don’t need to request that your attunement be prepared, nor do you need to book an appointment.

What is required for the attunement?

  • Some quiet time to accept the attunement and practice using the energies.
  • A genuine interest in self-development and spiritual growth.
  • An active approach. Using an attunement requires you to be active in your healing process.
  • Patience and understanding that energy work takes time.
  • Realistic expectations of the outcome.
  • Spiritual maturity; listen to your intuition, don’t overdo energy work and take the time you need to work with the energies.

How it works:

1. Purchase the attunement and download the manual.It’s important to read the whole manual before calling in the attunement, since the manual will prepare you for receiving the energies. In case you have any questions, you can ask us when you have read the manual.

2. We will email you with instructions when your attunement is ready to call in, usually within 24 hours of purchase.

3. You can use the energies as soon as you have called in the attunement.

New to our services? Please read through the FAQ before ordering to learn more about what to expect and how we work. Thank you.