15D Auric Clearing Session

45,00  50,00 

Auric attachments can cause severe limitations in the evolution of both spiritual and physical aspects.

People often spend many years reading self-help books and seeking out the assistance outside of themselves. However, they are not able to break free from the repetitive cycles of feeling stuck or experiencing the same circle of events that keeps happening again and again.

These energetic blockages commonly manifest as pain and disease within the physical body.

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Many types of auric attachments will also continuously attract us to the people, places and events with the same type of low frequency. This causes us to continuously experience difficulty in manifesting a much more desirable reality.

To break away from these repeated cycles, we must transmute the negative attachments from all 15 levels of your awareness. This includes the neural brain networks associated with them so the repeated patterns can stop becoming solidified as more emotion is put into them.

The 15D Auric Clearing Session also clears out the negative attachments and energies, demons, thoughtforms, soul fragments, personalities of others (seen and unseen) on all 15 dimensions of your awareness.

In this 45 minute session we will connect directly to your higher self to clear all:

* Auric attachments
* Negative energies
* Imprints
* Demons
* Thoughtforms
* Soul fragments
* Personalities of others (seen and unseen)
* Close any openings (unauthorized access portal and wormholes) that absorb other people’s negative energy causing you to feel tired, irritable and not yourself).

A complete activation of your 4 major Brain Centers. (Pineal, Pituitary, Medulla Oblongata, and the Hypothalamus Glands)

Activation of your DNA Template divine seed blueprints to the highest possible frequency that you can hold at this time!

An Energetic Download for you from your Higher Self that will allow you to EMBODY more of your Higher Self and hold those frequencies here in the physical!

*PLEASE NOTE that you may experience intense vibrations, hot or cold sensations (or both), visions, altered states of consciousness or more to increase due to the energies you are receiving. After the session you may experience temporary ascension symptoms (for example feeling emotional, a headache, dizziness) for a couple of days while the new energies are integrating. Although the symptoms can be a little uncomfortable they are not dangerous in any way. However, please only buy the session if you are ok with this.