15D Cord Cutting Session for Animals


Pets and animals are very sensitive to energy, and they may need cord cutting just like humans do. This is the pet and animal version of the 15D Cord Cutting Session.

Energetic cords are a method of high speed communication and the sharing of energy. There are healthy cords that create and nurture the sharing of information and energy and there are unhealthy cords that can drain huge amounts of energy from your pet as a means of control.

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Etheric cords can connect your pet to a person or a situation in this lifetime. This is especially true if your pet has had many different homes, or many different caretakers. Furthermore, there are other negative cords and attachments that can affect your pet, as well as other forms of negative energy (for example ancestral cords, cords to non-living and etherical beings, entities etc.).

Cutting the negative cords can enhance your pet’s quality of life, strengthen your relationship with the pet, and improve their emotional life.

In this 45 minutes session we will connect directly to your pet’s higher self to perform the following:

* Invocation of the Violet Flame to transmute all negative attachments and energies.
* Cut all negative and unhealthy energetic cords and attachments with all living, non-living and etherical beings.
* Cut all negative and unhealthy ancestral cords and attachments with all living, non-living and etherical beings.
* Clear negative energies.
* Clear imprints.
* Clear demons.
* Clear thoughtforms.
* Clear soul fragments.
* Clear personalities of others (seen and unseen).
* Close any openings (unauthorized access portals and wormholes) that absorb other people’s negative energy causing them to feel tired, irritable and not themselves.

The session will be performed as soon as possible, usually within 24 hours of purchase. You will receive an email when the session is complete.